NAWL Impact List

New in 2025, the NAWL Impact List recognizes mid-level and senior-level lawyers who have attained a high level of professional accomplishment and have demonstrated a personal commitment to and positive impact on NAWL’s mission of advancing women in the profession or advocating for women under the law.

2025 Recipients

Click each recipient's headshot to learn more about their impact.

Headshot of Diane Ambler.

Diane Ambler
Senior of Counsel,

K&L Gates LLP

Headshot of Kathleen Dillon Narko.

Kathleen Dillon Narko
Clinical Professor of Law,

Northwestern Pritzker School of Law

Headshot of Monica Dula.

Monica Dula
Staff Attorney, Criminal Defense Division,

Legal Aid Society

Headshot of Pamela C. Enslen.

Pamela C. Enslen

Executive Director,

California LAW Pathways

Headshot of Sharon E. Jones.

Sharon E. Jones
Partner and Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer,

Haynes and Boone, LLP

Headshot of Judy Man-Ling Lam.

Judy Man-Ling Lam
Litigation Partner,

Maynard Nexsen (Los Angeles)

Headshot of Eileen Letts.

Eileen M. Letts

Zuber Lawler LLP

Headshot of Peggy A. Nagae.

Peggy A. Nagae
Principal, Peggy Nagae Consulting, and

Co-Founder, Minoru Yasui Legacy Project

Headshot of Ellen Ostrow, Ph.D., PCC, CMC.

Ellen Ostrow, Ph.D., PCC, CMC
Founding Principal,

Lawyers Life Coach LLC

Headshot of Kristen Pugsley-Onsager.

Kristen Pugsley-Onsager

Assistant General Counsel,


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