When asked to reflect on her proudest moments, Eileen M. Letts wrote:

“I received the Margaret Brent award in 2018, and that was one of my proudest moments. The Brent award is given to outstanding women lawyers who have achieved professional excellence and paved the way for other women in the legal profession.

I have always been supportive of young women lawyers; in fact, some of them I have mentored are now at corporations, judges, or in other practice settings. They still reach out to me for advice and counsel. It continues to remain critical that we support women lawyers as the disparate treatment has not gone away.

I co-authored a report for the Commission on Women entitled 'Left Out and Left Behind.' We conducted a study of women lawyers of color and their thoughts and concerns about the practice of law. It was a groundbreaking study on the long-term careers of women lawyers of color at law firms.”

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