
Awards Presented in the Spring

NAWL Impact List
New in 2025, the NAWL Impact List recognizes mid-level and senior-level lawyers who have attained a high level of professional accomplishment and have demonstrated a personal commitment to and positive impact on NAWL’s mission of advancing women in the profession or advocating for women under the law. NAWL Impact List recipients are announced in March.

View past recipients.

Nomination Information:  Nominations are open from the third Tuesday in July through the second Tuesday in September. A link to the online form will be available here during the window. Past honorees are not eligible for the same award in a subsequent year. Self-nominations are encouraged.

NAWL Rising List
Since 2021, the NAWL Rising List recognizes early- to mid-career attorneys committed to NAWL’s mission by either advancing women in the profession or advocating for women under the law. NAWL Rising List recipients are announced in March.

View past recipients.

Nomination Information: Nominations are open from the third Tuesday in July through the second Tuesday in September. A link to the online form will be available here during the window. Past honorees are not eligible for the same award in a subsequent year. Self-nominations are encouraged.

Outstanding Law Student Award
Outstanding Law Student Award is presented each year to one student in the graduating class of participating ABA-approved law schools who contributed to the advancement of women in society; promoted issues and concerns of women in the legal profession; demonstrated a commitment to NAWL's mission; exhibited motivation, tenacity, and enthusiasm; demonstrated academic achievement; and earned the respect of the dean and law faculty. Outstanding Law Student Award Recipients are announced in late May or early June.

View the 2024 recipients.

Nomination Information: Nominations must be submitted by law school faculty and are due by the first Friday in May each year. More information.

Awards Presented at NAWL's Annual Meeting in July

Award recipients are recommended by NAWL's Nominations Committee and approved by NAWL's President. There is no open nomination window.

Arabella Babb Mansfield Award
The highest award recognizing women in the legal profession, the Arabella Babb Mansfield Award is presented in recognition of lifetime professional achievement, positive influence, and valuable contribution to women in the law and in society. The award is the oldest award given by the National Association of Women Lawyers and is named after the first woman admitted to a state bar in the United States. In special circumstances, this award can be presented to an organization.

View past recipients.

M. Ashley Dickerson Diversity Award
The M. Ashley Dickerson Diversity Award is presented to a lawyer who has demonstrably promoted and advanced women and diversity in the legal profession. Measurable metrics supporting women and attorneys from underrepresented backgrounds (including people of color, LGBTQIA+ people, and people with disabilities) are encouraged. This award is named after trailblazer Mahala Ashley Dickerson, NAWL’s first African-American President (1984-85). In special circumstances, this award can be presented to an organization.

View past recipients.

Lead By Example Award
Because women are still not equally represented in the legal profession, NAWL celebrates the allies in positions of power who strive to close the gap. The Lead By Example Award is presented to a leader who is demonstrably responsible for increased leadership and career progression opportunities for women lawyers in their organization and beyond. For example, if in-house, they have a high percentage of direct female reports, with women in key positions, such as head of litigation. In firms, there is a high percentage of women equity partners, women are present in significant numbers on important committees, and there are significant numbers of female relationship managers. Endorsements from women lawyers whom the nominee has mentored or sponsored are encouraged.

View past recipients.

Public Service Award
The Public Service Award is presented to a person who has demonstrated dedication and commitment to exemplary public service and social responsibility, including through government, nonprofit, pro bono, or other service for the public good. Their work includes either advancing women in the profession or fighting for women under the law. In special circumstances, this award can be presented to an organization.

View past recipients.

President’s Award
The President's Award is presented by the current NAWL President to a person or organization who has made an exceptional impact on the advancement of women’s rights, equality, or the standing of women in the profession. 

View past recipients.

Virginia S. Mueller Outstanding Member Award
The Virginia S. Mueller Outstanding Member Award recognizes members for exemplary contributions to NAWL.

View past recipients.

Awards No Longer Presented

Challenge Award
The Challenge Award was presented to in-house legal departments that had either met or adopted the hiring, retention, promotion, and general employment practices and procedures suggested to meet NAWL's
One-Third By 2020 Challenge. The goal of the Challenge was to increase the representation of women to one-third of leadership positions in the legal profession and to increase the number of diverse women attorneys (including women of color and LGBTQIA+ people) by one-third in every segment of the legal profession.

View recipients.

Leadership Award
The Leadership Award was presented to individuals in the community whose personal contributions helped advance women lawyers and promote diversity in the legal profession.

View recipients.

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