When asked to reflect on her proudest moments, Ellen Ostrow, Ph.D., PCC, CMC wrote:

“Advancing women in the law has been the mission of my work for the past 27 years. I founded Lawyers Life Coach LLC in 1998 after listening to countless stories from women lawyers facing obstacles in their journey toward professional success. With my Ph.D. in psychology, I had established a psychotherapy practice that happened to be in downtown DC, right in the middle of the Washington location of multiple law firms. Women associates consulted me because their commitment to their career was in doubt since becoming a mother. Women partners wanted help fighting to keep credit for their business in the face of bullying male partners. Some told me that their requests for stretch assignments had been turned down because they didn’t have 'enough confidence.' These stories resonated for me as a 60s feminist and aroused my ire. It was clear to me that these women were not seeking assistance for 'diagnosable psychological disorders.' Rather, they were facing a workplace that was designed by and for men and dealing with the impact of multiple stereotypes. Assisting them, advocating for women’s advancement in the law, and guiding their journeys to success became my raison d’etre.

I’ve had the great honor and privilege of accompanying many women lawyers on their journey to professional success and personal fulfillment. Seeing the women lawyers I’ve coached be promoted to leadership positions like office managing partner, member of the executive and compensation committees and practice group leaders at their law firms has been truly gratifying for me. It has been extremely satisfying to see these women succeed while prioritizing family and self-care.

I am proud to have been included as a Top Lawyer Coach by Diversity Lab and to have coached every cohort in the OnRamp Fellowship since its inception. Being selected as the top leadership coach for women lawyers by the Women in Law Empowerment Forum was very rewarding. I am very proud of having been invited to speak about women lawyers’ career success by the ABA, HNBA, NBA, ABA Women Rainmakers, NAWL, NALP, NAWBO, DRI, ALFDP, Center for Women in Law, the Women’s Commission of the DOJ of Canada, CLE Europe, Harvard Law School’s Women’s Leadership Summit and more than a dozen state and women’s bar associations across the US and DC. 

I am most proud of the fact that former clients continue to refer their colleagues and mentees to me. To have built that kind of reputation and trust means everything."

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