Women Lawyers Journal Editorial Board Member Expectations

The Women Lawyers Journal depends upon our editors, editorial board, and NAWL staff for its success. The members of the WLJ editorial board may have various objectives and responsibilities, including but not limited to:

  • To be a team of writers, editors, and readers with an active interest in the legacy and future success of the WLJ.
  • Review submitted articles.
  • Advise on journal policy and scope.
  • Identify topics for issues, write articles on relevant topics, and select reprinted articles from the WLJ Archive.
  • Attract new authors and submissions.
  • Promote the journal to their colleagues and peers.
  • Advise the editors and NAWL staff in decision making over the overall health and future of the WLJ.
  • Judge and select the winning essays for the Annual Selma Moidel Smith Law Student Writing Contest.

Editorial Board Members are expected to:

  • Author or edit at least one article per issue.
  • Assist in designing the physical layout for the journal.
  • Commit to at least 20 hours of work on the Editorial Board a year.
  • Actively promote each issue of the WLJ on social media, including individual articles featured in the WLJ.
  • Serve a minimum of 2 years on the Board, with longer terms encouraged.
  • Inform the leadership committee if you are unable to complete any of these tasks within the first month of each six-month editing cycle.

Editorial Board Members are encouraged to:

  • Solicit an author to write a piece for the WLJ.
  • Select quotes from prior articles that are consistent with the theme of the issue.

If at any time during the year, an EB member realizes that they will be unable to fulfill their duties on the EB, they will notify the leadership committee in writing as soon as possible.

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