Wendy C. Schult
The Authenticity Coach
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Wendy C. Schult, The Authenticity Coach, is the founder of Keys to Authenticity LLC. Wendy helps high achievers explore and clarify their own definition of success, figure out what mindsets, habits and other obstacles are getting in the way and create practical, tactical plans to make their dreams a reality.
Wendy supports each of her clients in a highly personalized manner, with attentive interactions beyond scheduled coaching sessions. She is a trusted “thinking partner” for clarifying values and goals, brainstorming possibilities, vetting opportunities, designing strategies and implementing step-by-step plans. Her clients have done what they “should” and have achieved exceptional outward success. They are now on the cusp of daring to venture beyond merely performing well – and are eager to create a life where being well is as important as showing well.
An attorney by education, Wendy had a 23-year career at Ayco, the financial counseling arm of Goldman Sachs. For twenty years, she served as financial planner and wealth manager to Fortune 500 C-Suite and other senior executives and then rose to Senior Vice President, heading one of the largest regions of the firm.
What coaching services do you provide?
I help high achievers explore, vet and clarity their own definition of success, figure out what mindsets, habits and other obstacles are getting in their way and then create practical, tactical plans to make their dreams a reality.
I coach with my clients one-on-one in a highly personalized, high service manner.
What services do you provide in addition to coaching?
The focus of my practice is coaching. I offer referrals to vetted and trusted professionals, including those who specialize in resume writing and many other areas, as may be warranted.
What is your coaching philosophy?
No one knows you better than you know yourself. The answers are within you. I am your thinking partner. My role is to ask the "right" questions, to help you to gain perspective from various new angles. I am your biggest cheerleader -- and your challenger.
What interests or excites you about coaching women lawyers?
As a lawyer myself, I had a successful 23-year career on a nontraditional path (as a financial planner and wealth manager at the Ayco, the financial counseling arm of Goldman Sachs). I can relate to many of the top values, mindsets, strengths and challenges that are prevalent among lawyers -- and especially for women lawyers.
I love helping these high achievers gain clarity as to their top values and what they most love to do -- and then support them in their coming to understand that they have many choices. They can choose to "show up" differently and can create a life that is as healthy and fulfilling on the inside as it is successful on the outside.
Tell us about your training and certifications as a coach.
A graduate of the iPEC coach training program, I am a Certified Professional Coach and credentialed as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) by the International Coaching Federation. Formally trained in a number of personality type assessments, I am most notably a more than 25-year student of the Enneagram.